27th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

Cold and damp and grey. If there’s not enough comforort in that why not spool back over the past twelve years record? And I’ve been keeping them here on my website since July. Plenty for everyone.

From 27th December 2020

Great gouts of wind race and roar through the pine tops.  The path is littered with the usual winter debris but there are also fresh branches strewing the way.  Curtains of hard rain dance crazily in the streetlights but there are big areas of black standing water to trap the unwary walker in the darkness. The sea is throwing itself up the beach in an angry mess that stretches far out into the night.  We have known bigger storms up here on the West Cliff; wind that literally knocked all the breath out of you and pushed you off your feet but Bella seems to be unmatched in her ferocity. Like an enraged child unable to find any other form of expression and throwing bricks about in a mighty tantrum.  Her anger is formless and explosive.  Within minutes I am soaked through and glad to be able to retreat inside.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


28th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


26th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth