26th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

The air is bitingly cold but the sky clear with fluffy, good time clouds. There is a cat toying with the sun.

From the 26th December 2021

It has stopped raining. Huge slabs of grey cloud drift lazily across the sky and patches of blue begin to appear. A brilliant band of light across the horizon and dazzling pools appear out on the bay. The sun appears and for a few minutes it is as warm as an April afternoon. The distant hills are thrown into relief by alternating sun and shadow. The sea grumbles quietly to itself. Then it starts to rain again and everyone scurries for cover. #bournemouth #westcliff #december #winter

From 26th December 2020

I am shielded from the wind on this side of the building but I can see the force of the gale by the way the rain blasts horizontally through the beam of street light like silver tracer.  The door thumps monotonously in a draught that has sneaked in through a skylight somewhere.  It's good to be warm indoors.

From 26th December 2018

The sun always shines when we're at the beach hut. And on this Boxing Day morning here it comes. Swim later?

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


27th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


25th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth