28th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

Rain slanting in darkly across the streetlamp. Clearing just enough before miday for a more open, colder, brisker day. The wind howls through the pine tops. The paths and clearings and strewn with the the little fans of Monterey Pine needles. The sea is turning itself up for a last hurrah for the year and anyone venturing out has ventured back.

From 28th December 2021

A roiling, raucous, rumbunctious wind, racketing through the tree branches, walkers bent double before its bumptious blast. The sea swell is big and menacing. Long slow heaps of water as though some great creature is about to break surface. Distant black veils of drizzle sweep in and past.

From 28th December 2020

The rain jitters on the silver pools of light from the street lamps.  The surface of the road seems alive and to dance as if swarming with thousands of silver insects.  I cannot see individual drops just this crinkling mass of tiny brilliant lights. The sparkling silver curtain falls steadily through the beam of the lights.  The whole night seems to be alive.

From 28th December 2016

A cold sneeping wind ruffling the sea. A hat and glovesy sort of morning.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


29th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


27th December from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth