25th April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A myriad silver daisies glitter on the green grass of the West Cliff in just the way a myriad little ripples shimmer and shine on the blue water of the bay. The sun is warm and the air is still fresh with a steady little breeze. The blue sky is streaked with high, thin clouds. The birds fill the bare trees with song. A chiff chaff sings from somewhere in a rhododendron. An orange rib follows the shoreline streaming a white trail of gulls behind. People stop to talk. A crow spots a gull that has earned its displeasure from half the length of the Green. It rockets off to tackle the surprised miscreant and buffets it away over the tree tops. Pigeons coo.

From 25th April 2022
Blue sky with a bright sun but a cold blustery wind has given way to a sullen, grey drizzly but tranquil afternoon. The horizon is bright and the ruffled sea is silver with elegant charcoal grey flecks. The sand is flat and empty. A beach guard is piling up the loungers. There are no takers today. Gulls and crows stand looking at each other on the grass as if wondering what to do with themselves and hoping for some inspiration from somewhere. A tall meadow buttercup stands with the long grass surrounding it at the edge of the green. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #April #spring
From 25th April 2021
The steady rush of the wind in the treetops and the continuous roar of the surf on the shore combine to make an unbroken sound back drop to the day. The sun has almost tipped below the trees which stand dark and mysterious but a few last rays shine through the branches with some strength. The sky is clear and pale blue edged with a wash of primrose where the sun has gone by. A big silver moon climbs into the Eastern sky. It is daylight still but very cold. Mum and Dad walk quickly away holding tight to the sleeping toddler.