24th April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
I think we can say, spring is here and has taken posession of the West Cliff. Where before it was camping out for occasional days or dozing on the benches for a few minutes of sunshine, it has now established itself whatever late April and May weather can do to dislodge it. Clouds are white, puffy and non-threatening. In the long grass are patches of fumitory and the cliff top apple trees are showing buds busting with pink and white flowers. A buttercup shines bright yellow. Gulls wail in the distance. All sorts of tits cheep from the bare branches of trees yet to come into leaf. Pigeons coo. The air is fresh and nearly still and the sun is genuinely warm at times. The sea laps gently on the sand.

24th April 2022
Big pillows of white and grey cloud against the blue counterpane of the sky. The sun shines out briefly before a darker slate coloured blanket appears from the east. The late afternoon rays make strange diffracted patterns through the branches of the pines. The afternoon seems strangely subdued and there is a soft haziness to the air. Perhaps the result of yesterday's big fire on Canford Heath. There is barely a ripple on the bay. On the beach a small family cluster round a table covered with white cloth. A gentleman produces tea time delights from Tupperware boxes in the manner of a magician producing wonders from a silk hat. The police helicopter drones up and down. A child separated from his parents? Naughty people hiding in the undergrowth? A disorientated elderly person unable to find their front door? A little breeze springs up as if the whirling blades have stirred the atmosphere. #westcliffgreen #bournemouth #April #spring
24th April 2017
The rain is falling straight down from a uniform grey sky. Trees drip with their heavy load of moisture. The clouds are so low they drift among the clifftop pines like wraiths. The puddles that line the footpath are covered with the thick yellow swirls of pine tree pollen. I love weather like this.
24th April 2014
The world is a better place today because there are people out there performing little acts of kindness. And each kindness holds back the gloom a little.