26th April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
That sharp little breeze has crept back along with the rolling grey clouds and the anxious surf. But the plant and birds are getting on with things and everything green is shooting upwards after having been held back for so long. Greenfinches fill the air with their wheezing. Gulls circle on the updraughts their voices growing more faint as they spiral upwards. The sun shines from behind the veil of clouds. Pigeons coo.

From 26th April 2022
The breeze is sharp and cold. The shadows from the low morning sun are long and dark across the emrald green of the grass. The sky is toally cloudless , a great blue bowl from hills to island and from horizon to the tops of the flats. The sea is as wine dark as Homer could have seen with a sheen of rippled platinum. Out at the mouth of the bay is the bulk of the brand new cruise liner Celebrity Beyond hiding here before making her triumphant entrance into Southampton ready for its Maiden voyage tomorrow. We already have one cruise liner, the Deutschland, visiting the harbour this morning. A busy day out in the bay with dozens of smaller craft and work boats scurrying to and fro. Someone is mending a roof nearby and the faint, warm smell of tar hangs in the air. Small birds sing from, as yet, bare branches. Pigeons coo. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #April #spring
From 26th April 2016
Snow and thunder and lightning now. And hail. Well, a sort of snowy hail. Snail perhaps?
Snow. Hurrah. Scarf on. Mittens ready for the ensuing snowball fight. Rolling down hill and making snow angels in the drifts. Maybe a snowman with twigs for arms. Then back in for dinner, cheeks aglow... Oh. It's stopped.