21st April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A crispy, crunchy, chilly breeze. A milky sky. A blue haze across the hills and the horizon. The sea is loud but the waves are not large. It is warm enough until the lumpy grey clouds slide across. Occasionally, the sun gets a look in but, on the whole it’s cold and far from picnic weather. But as usual, mothers push buggies and a few of the stalwarts play a hurried game of frisbee. Visitors staying nearby are glad they brought their coats. A pigeon on a post can’t be bothered to fly away when I approach. In the long grass the first signs of hoary cress and the fiddle heads of bracken.

From 21st April 2022
the gentle sea is made up of little ridges and slubs like pale green shantung silk. The evening air is cold but the sky is clear with a hint of blue. To the West where the sun is setting behind the black outlines of the pines, the the sky is painted with a wash of primrose and pink fading to orange. Gulls stand on the cliff top rail waiting impatiently to be fed. Where the three cornered leeks and dying away, a new flush of flowers is following on. They're not done yet. A blackbird fills the air with its evening song. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #spring #April
From 21st April 2018
Watching from the clifftop. Coming in across the bay. Vast sheets of lightning behind the clouds lighting up the sky. Jagged forks and flashes. Gosh that was close. I'm getting wet. Right across the horizon, side to side.
Gosh never seen that before. Simultaneous strikes all at once. Lightning dancing from cloud to cloud to cloud like a crazy leapfrog. Four five together some going across the sky some straight down into the sea. Its wild.