20th April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
Although the sky is clear blue, the sea is sparkling and the sun is bright, the brisk wind just means thoses sitting out need coats. Even so, there are those for whom sitting and watching the day grow is energising enough. But there are signs of summer flowers with stands of ragwort here and there. The shadows are dark and walkers keep appearing and disappearing in the darkness. The greenfinches are in full voice today and every gorse bush and tree contains at least one. The combined sound reminds me of the cicidas in the pines of the mediterranean.

From 20th April 2022
The evening is fresh and clear with a slight haze of mist over the bay. Little waves roll politely onto the beach, each waiting for the one in front.. There has been swathes of three-cornered leeks lining the paths and spreading out under the trees but they are beginning to look tired now. The early bluebells are also beginning to droop but there are still enough following on to make a fine display. Early shoots of bracken are beginning to appear among the ribwort plantain on the cliff top. A party of sixteen or seventeen year old lads are practising lighting cigarettes. The big lad is play fighting with the others. It will soon turn into real fighting. That is how it works. But despite that a single blackbird carols away into the evening. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #April #spring
From 20th April 2021
Not quite summer but it's doing its best. The sun is warm although there is still a chill in the shadows under the trees. Faint wisps of cloud criss cross the blue sky. A bumble bee drones by, busy about its work . The pigeons coo. Close your eyes and enjoy the day.
From 20th April 2011
Thank heavens for jetskis. Without them, lying on the beach listening to the soft lap of the waves and the distant mewing of the gulls, would be a very tedious occupation indeed.