22nd April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A heavy mist over the sea so we can’t actually see the Saturday morning charter boats chugging out to their favourite difting grounds. The sun is trying to burn through but as yet it has had no success. The sea is in calm, easy going mood. On the cliff top the mist persists all day. The leaves of the pussy willow are fully out. And all sorts of shrubs and small trees have sprung into life. Where the goats have cleared the cliff edge, the bluebells have grown in profusion and, in a matter of days the bracken is half a metre tall. The borage has suddenly exploded into bloom and the blackberry leaves are soft and bright green

From 22nd April 2022
Blue sky. Grey clouds. Bright sun. Strong breeze. Blue haze. Rolling waves. Pale shadows. Swathes of Cranesbill. Shocking pink oxalis. Yellow groundsel. Pigeon coos. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #april #spring
From 22nd April 2018
Every morning the artist gets up and sees this strangely shaped gap in the sky. By bedtime, if they are lucky and work hard, they will have filled it with a piece of art.