7th May from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
Warm enough to sit out but you do need that cardi round your shoulders because of the fresh breeze. The sea sparkles and the beach is beginning to fill up. But when those thin high clouds pass in front of the sun, people in camping chairs pull them forward out of the shade. Gulls wheel in loose formation above the trees.

From 7th May 2022
The tranquility of an evening like this is soul deep. It is an evening to lean on the clifftop rail and watch the little waves at the edge of the silver sea busying too and fro. Pale wispsof smoke feather up from little beach barbecues. The day has been alternating warm and cool as big dark clouds have rolled across the milky sky from time to time. Saunterers on the clifftop seem subdued and respectful of the evening. A squirrel has spied something from the top of his tree and he is voicing his displeasure. But the command of the quiet is taken by a blackbird whose song can be heard the whole length of the green. Each phrase is a subtle variation on the one before so you can enjoy the song for minutes on end without hearing the same tapestry of sweet sound repeated. #westcliffgreen #bournemouth #may #spring
From 7th may 2011
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May Further weather updates later. The storm that has been generating distant lightning through the night has now moved closer and I can hear occasional claps of thunder