6th May from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
Murky and drizzly. Few people about. Maybe inside watching the fun on the tele. The puddles are deep and mysterious. Cranesbills have now moved on to seed heads. They are long and pointed like thousands of…well… the beaks of cranes. But now pushing through are the yellow buds of black medick with the black dot in the centre of the clover-like leaves. Cleavers start to scramble up through bushes and begin to form their masses against walls and tree trunks. Despite the fresh breeze that sends the branches of the cliff-top apple tree bouncing and swaying, a black bird clings on and is determined to give us the whole of his extensive repertoire.

From 6th May 2022
The bluebells are over and gone. Most of the spring flowers are over. The wild carrot and mallow are tall. The banks of long grasses are heavy with seed. Next to the zig zag path a mass of borage droops its blue flowers over the fence. Someone has put some nuts down for the squirrels but a crow decides he will take charge and shoos the squirrels away with low, threatening noises. This morning was warm and pleasant but the cloud has thickened up during the afternoon and the sea is ruffled and silver in the evening light. #westcliffgreen #bournemouth #may #spring
From 6th May 2013
Thick fog rolling in off the sea on the West Cliff. Somewhere, though, the sun is shining and I'm off out into the moiling mist.
From 6th May 2011
West Cliff visial weather station observes lightning storm out to sea. Big rain. Barometer steady at 30.15
Again my barometer dropped a couple of points and down came the rain. Its good. Very good.