6th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

A bitterly cold night but the sun bursts up into the palest, almost colourless, cloudless skies. The shadows are long. The sea sighs gently and gulls are wailing softly out on the bay. Despite the cold, the little waves are sparkling, the little birds are singing from every bush and every bench is occupied by those enjoying the sun. For the first time there is a hint that spring may be on its way.

6th February 2022

After a day of strong, blustery wind and rattling showers, the sun drops below the cloud ceiling and its low beams light the yellow gorse flowers so they glow. The wind roars in the tree tops and the waves on the bay race in and up the beach in jaunty parallel lines. I've observed before how, when we have strong winds from the South and West, they shoot straight up the cliff and curl over at the top creating a tunnel of still air along the cliff edge path whilst the gale continues to howl over the rest of the Green. Gulls squeal with delight as they soar and swerve. Pigeons anxiously peck at the grass. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #winter #february

6th February 2015

Against the grey dawn the gulls fight the chill updraught. The grumbling surf pushes high up the frozen sand making foam filled pools and inlets. But on the clifftop there are brief signs of spring. A clump of daisies huddled in the frosted grass and the small birds are trying out an early version of the dawn chorus

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


7th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


5th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth