5th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

The chilly air lasts all day and even though the sun manages shine brightly from time to time, as soon as it is covered by the thin, high cloud it loses its power. The beach is busy with crowds enjoying what sun there is, even if they are all wearing coats. The morning chorus is building with robins, dunnocks and green finches all adding to the jollity. Catkins, fat and long hang on the hazel bushes.

From 5th February 2022

The pale washes of colours fade up into a clear blue dawn but the wind is sharp and cold. The lively waves chase each other up the beach. But the warmth of the sun begins to be tempered by flat sheets of altostratus cloud, at first thin and hazy but then thick and grey. The gulls circling overhead swerve and dive on the updraught. By lunchtime the wind is strong and wintery. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #winter #February

From 5th February 2021

The air is so fresh it almost fizzes. The clouds to the West are still purple with night but the sun pushes up a brilliant yellow as blithe as a canary. Everyone stops to take pictures. A pretty dark haired girl balances her phone on the wall and stands where it can see her and the dawn. She is happy to share her beauty with the world. The sun slants in among the West Cliff pines bathing them in a warm orange glow. A wood pigeon, released from the cares of winter surfs the air, breasting upwards, its wings held in a stiff v behind, before cascading down again. Other pigeons coo and clap their wings. Back on the road a lad in a BMW grins when he sees me looking at his car. He stamps on the pedal giving me the joyful benefit of the full five and a quarter litres. I know I shouldn't, but I love the smell of hydrocarbons in the morning.

From 5th February 2014

On the West cliff several huge pines are cracking and straining at the earth. They're going to go over.Durley Chine the council are using their big blue tractor to push the sea back where it belongs.  How to be British: At the height of the storm I am picking my way over the mass of debris that's swirling around my feet. Quite large branches are coming off the trees now some of which are beginning to lean perilously past the vertical. The rain is stinging my face and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I pass a man in shorts and a T-shirt wielding a leaf blower. I stand aghast for a moment. He grins a gap-toothed grin at me and carries on with his utterly pointless task. I believe the facebook term is WTF?

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


6th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


4th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth