16th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

The remains of the overnight sleety snow has formed large icy crystals over the grass and in the hollows. The wind has died down to a chilly whisper and the sea has relaxed. The big trees cluster, black and tall. The sky has begun to clear and the gulls wheel across it in delight.

From 16th January 2022

Streaks of purple and slate layer across the bright evening sky. The tranquil sea reflects silver fringed with orange and red from the sunset. The air is cold and damp. The paths of the WestCliff are filled with Sunday evening teatime amblers. #Bournemouth #westcliff #winter #January

From 16th January 2015

Beyond the dark something lurks. Beyond the white fence picked out by the glimmering street lamps. Beyond the frost and the stars. The great snuffling beast that is the sea. A sound , a restless breathing in the night. In out. In out. A shuddering breath that means it might at any moment wake and claw it's way up the clifftop to where I'm standing.

The prickle of stars like tears held back.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


17th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


15th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth