15th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

A snappy little breeze. The sky is clear and cold blue except for slabs of battleship grey cloud out across the bay hiding the early sun. The waves march in jagged parallel lines. The beach is populated with dog walkers. Magpies swoop and chatter in the gorse bushes. Gulls mew in the distance. A kestrel springs up and hangs in the cold air for a moment before letting herself be carried off along the cliffs. Two elderly gentlemen with matching grey beards jog along the path. They are clad in T shirts and shorts. Their shorts demonstrating the boniness of their geriatric knees. The only pieces of suitable clothing are the gloves they wear.

From 15th January 2022

A windless, chilly day. The air is damp and the grass and bushes are wringing wet. The mist softens the edge of the tranquil sea so that the horizon disappears and small fishing boats seem to be hanging in mid air. Sounds are muffled and walkers seem to speak in low tones to each other as though some massive plot is bening planned. Yet the the songs of the robins, wrens and blackbirds are sharp and clear. #Bournemouth #westcliff #winter #january

From 15th January 2015

The wind and the surf provide a pounding basso continuo whilst a loose street sign plays in the upper register. The freshly painted double yellow lines glare balefully against the shining wet nighttime black tarmac.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


16th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


14th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth