8th April from the West Cliff, Bournemouth
The benches are full of picnickers, smokers, thinkers, readers, social media -ers. Dogs curl up under the benches looking for a little shade. Although the sun is high, there is a veil of thin white clouds and a mist hangs over the bay. People are determined to enjoy the first warmish day of the year despite the still fresh breeze. The sea is calm and quiet and the beach is populated with families enjoying the sand. On a bare branch a wren gives it full beans. A mighty voice for such a small bird. A blackbird carols nearby and dozens of other small birds fill the gaps in the air. The gulls make shadows on the paths as they cross and recross. They are happy the picnickers are back. Wild carrot is growing tall. Pussy willow catkins make a yellowish green haze over their trees and the hawthorn leaves are bursting out. Pigeons coo.

From 8th April 2022
The rain has stopped. The wind has dropped. The uniform grey sky is breaking up and a watery sun is peeping through. A gull rides out the tiny waves at the surf's edge. The council have filled the air with the sweet smell of mown grass but somehow the mass of daisies have survived. A tiny tweeting which could be the first chiff chaff of the summer. The hazel bush has suddenly sprung into luxurious full leaf. A jay cruises through the low branches of the pines. Up to no good, no doubt. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #spring #april.
From 8th April 2018
One swallow may not make a summer but the first house martin is a sign of better days to come.The ash tree buds are already bursting but this old oak is holding tight to its foliage so it looks as though we're in for a wet summer. The oak is 334 years old so obviously knows a thing or two.