6th April from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
The blue sky is criss crossed with faint streaks of white cloud. The sea is blue but the persistent chilly wind continues. Shards of broken glass on the path sparkle and shine with as much briliance as the myriad rain drops that weigh heavily on the leaves of the grass. A lorry tipping gravel sounds the same as the wind in the trees, as the waves on the shore. Human and natural sounds blend together in one soundscape. A dunnock sits on a brance and watches me carefully. Bluebells are every where in sheltered spots. A wren sings a single verse of its twinkling song. A goat, looking for its brothers utters a low mournful bleat. Pigeons coo.

From 6th April 2022
The surf is breaking a good way off shore and then chasing up the beach in a froth of excitement. The wind is brisk and officious. A grey mist curtains off the bay. Bluebells have found all sorts of new places to mke an appearance. Blackbirds sing against the evening. ##bournemouth #westcliffgreen #spring #April
From 6th April 2021
The still air is bitterly cold. The frosted grass crunches underfoot. Only a whisper of wavelets disturb the glass smooth sea which stretches from brilliant silver at the flat sand to charcoal where it meets the tiny vague clouds on the far distant horizon. The predawn sky is the palest translucent blue shading to faint bands of pink and primrose where the sun may rise sometime soon. But already there to the southeast is the brilliant silver waning crescent of the moon.