5th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

A brisk, carefree sort of wind. The sea crawling backwards and forwards on the beach with its usual resolution. From time to time, the sun breaks through and creates a polished puddle on the bay. A little flurry of pigeons is rattled overhead by the breeze. Magpies are thrown about carelessly. The crows are just examining the grass for treats and the wagtails continue to do what wagtails like to do. A man in a light blue anorak explains the weather to an elderly couple. He uses expansive hand gestures. They seem well pleased with his efforts.

From 5th January 2022

A clear blue sky and unbroken sunshine but the temperature has remained well below freezing and in sheltered spots the frost has stayed all day. Ice sparkled leaves crunch underfoot. The wind is cold and penetrating but the sea remains smooth and untroubled.

From 5th January 2016

A little while ago I was trying to describe the sound the sea makes under different conditions. Tonight the wind has dropped and there is a chilly stillness. The sea has still got a lot of energy locked up in it and the waves are hitting the flat sand with a definite thump. What is slightly unsettling, however is the fact that the waves are coming into the beach at a slight angle so I can hear the wave front away to my right and travelling up towards me so that the thump becomes a sort of rumble that passes by far off to my left. This stereo vibration is not unlike a train passing at speed or, as I have heard people describe it, the sound of an earth quake.

From 5th January 2014

That is an extraordinary sunrise. Layers of purple and battleship grey cloud splashed across with deep orange, pink and gold. The sea an almost perfect mirror reflecting back the extravagant colours while the twisted pine tree stands gaunt and black against the dawn display.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


6th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


4th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth