3rd May from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
The blue sky is streaked with brush strokes of thin high veils of cloud. The brisk wind chases the choppy broken sea in from the bay where it cascades in a mass of foam on the flat, white beach. I don’t know much about grasses but this is their season. Swathes of oat grass and fescues and the contrasting blue green of couch (or twitch). These are all hated by gardeners but all together they make a brave spectacle. On the short grass, the daisies still shine out as bright as hand sewn sequins on an emerald silk ball gown A small bird flickers overhead. Gone too quickly to identify but probably some species of warbler. The shadows under the trees are dark and dramatic. Pigeons coo.

From 3rd May 2022
A heavy mist hangs across the bay. The sky is bumpy grey and there is next to no wind although there is still a definite chill in the air. The sea is flat calm again and not much joy for surfers watching from their vans on the cliff top. A religious gatherring assembles on the beach. The men wear white shirts and ties and the children are in their best. I cannot hear what the pastor is saying but I hope it is uplifting. After the rain on May Day the spring continues apace. The three cornered leeks are having a second blossoming and the air is heavy with their garlicky scent. Some of the gorse bushes have finished flowering, the bright yellow flowers are now brown and giving way to fat, furry seed pods. A robin and thrush sing out the evening together. #westcliffgreen #bournemouth #spring #May
From 3rd May 2021
A savage wind ripping in across the clifftop. The grey waves capped with ragged white foam hurl themselves one after another with an angry whirling cacophony against the sand. The late spring has meant many trees are only now putting out tentative soft foliage which is being wrenched off in pale green showers of lime and sycamore. Fat hands of chestnut leaves are being chased along the pavements. Now the rain is rattling down in stinging gusts. The gulls alone enjoy this weather riding the updraft at the cliff top with wings held still or just wheeling down and soaring up again.