3rd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

During the winter the titmice form large, unruly gangs of various species that maraud about the hedgerows and low branches. These twittering bands flit from branch to branch ranging over quite large distances. But then as spring approaches they break up and go their normal, separate ways. Today a pair of Great Tits chasing each other about the bare branches seem to be a sign that spring is on its way and romance is in the air. The overnight rain left everything wet but the warm westerly wind soon began drying the grass out. The clouds are still grey and woolly but allowing a few more glimpses of the sun and the lunch time readers and texters seem to be a little more relaxed.

From 3rd February 2022

A starless sky with just a few vague smudges of light over the Purbeck Hills. There is a hint of a fresh breeze from the south west. The little waves of the incoming tide make a familiar gentle rushing sound. Out in the bay the chemical tanker Cumbrian Fisher rides at anchor its lights dancing off the water. A small plane heads off for Guernsey out over the bay. The clifftop paths are mostly empty. Dog walkers and those hurrying home come and go in the pools of light. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #Westbourne #winter #February

From 3rd February 2021

It's been raining hard all night and now it's become what a sports commentator might describe as a Steady Downpour. Gutters are full and water cascades down the walls of buildings where downpipes are blocked. Sheets of standing water spread across the road. The tarmac is mirrored with the reflection of the grey dawn light. The excavators on the beach arch and pick with a graceful delicacy. Their working lights making bright paths along the tide washed sand.

From 3rd February 2016

I don't drink much champagne any more but stepping out into the dark before dawn the air is as crisp and intoxicating as a mouthful of Krug or Dom Perignon. The palest of light in the eastern sky and the little ring of fishing boats on the horizon just describe the bay. And above, the intense silver of the moon overpowers the ordinary stars leaving the bejewelled splendour of the five planets slashed across the southern sky like a most gorgeous choker at the neck of the most elegant woman in the world. I may not live the champagne life style but my day begins with fizz and diamonds.

From 3rd February 2015

The snow streams across the street light's pool. It seems in a hurry to be somewhere. A soft blanket covers the roofs of cars. All is forgiven.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


4th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


2nd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth