25th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

A sullen, sad day. The frost gives way to a wet fog that hangs over the cliffs. The sea mutters and groans out of sight. A pair of crows have taken the opportunity to claim the high ground and strut about imperiously. A robin comes out of the bushes to inspect passers by. But none live up to its expectations and it returns whence it came. The black earth beneath the leaf litter is scattered with the holes where the squirrels have been digging for whatever delicacy may be hidden there. The eternal question is “Do they know where they have buried these caches or do they just dig at random?” Answers on a postcard, please.

From 25th January 2022

The problem with a grey sky like today's is that there are no shadows. Everything has a grey, uniform cast. Even those myriad of greens and browns that make up the trees and bushes. The vibrant bright yellow of the gorse fades into the background. It is amazing how much light and shade brings a sense of action and life to the day. It's what artists call "chiaroscuro". The darker the shadows the more we see colour and tone. I'll leave you to frame some sort of metaphor about the grimness that surrounds us generally at the moment. It is the distinctly black and white birds that stand out. The magpies, lording it over the pigeons and shuffling off the fence where they like to sit. . And two little missiles that whizz by and are never still when they land, A pair of wagtails bobbing and weaving busily. Bringing delight with their dancing. #Bournemouth #westcliff #winter #January

From 25th January 2016

The amber beads strung out along the edge of night/ Are no enticement to me now./ The wrinkled moonpath  /The silver sea path /Draws me to the winking eye of Wodan /The flashing ruby fire. /The star wolves to guide /And the black ravens to know /The dark horizon glow /That means another world below.

From 25th January 2015

The Eyes of God making a gold curtain rail on the horizon. A ship stacked with containers bound for eternity ploughs towards this glittering world edge.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


26th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


24th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth