22nd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

Heavy overnight rain ceased by morning and the grey cloud cover begins to brighten up. Today is all about clouds. It is impossible to be out without being fascintated by the vast cloudscape. Overhead, black grey and white in delicate puffs, mad swirls and apparently solid lumps. Lower down on the horizon bright white streaks.The whole glorious display back lit by the sun which can’t quite make it out but which throws the huge dynamic sky into sharp relief. Come on, let’s jump in and wallow in their bigness.

From 22nd February 2022

Bulging grey cumulus clouds sail majestically across the blue sky and in front of the sun. In an instant the air is chill and a cold wind seems to spring up. But as soon as they move aside the sun's warm honey rays drip across the corrugated bark of the corsican pines. The well behaved waves make a soothing backdrop of sound to the day. A pigeon, it's crop full sits uncomfortbly on a fence post, no doubt pausing until it can start feeding again. A small group of visitors amble along the clifftop path their brightly coloured anoraks picked out against the green grass. The hydraulic pump on the auger drill boring the foundations of the new block add a pleasant whine to the chirruping of sparrows in a nearby bush. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #springisonitsway #February

From 22nd February 2012

A luminous orange bubble swells up from behind the long, low grey mass of the Isle of Wight. Pink and gold streamers flash out across the horizon and it becomes difficult to sea where sea and sky meet. The sun drifts on upwards and within ten minutes it has disappeared behind the grey cloud cap. A single tern beats along the wave edge. The cold wind pummels my face like an overenthusiastic guard waking a sleepy passenger at the end of the line.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


23rd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


21st February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth