16th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

A gloomy, grey day all day. Tiny spatters of drizzle between the rain storms. The sea rolls in with some purpose. Moisture drips from the twigs and branches of the bushes and trees. The little flowers at the path’s edge are still trying to make a show but they do need looking for. Pigeons coo from the tree tops. Crows and magpies stump about as if fed up with the whole thing.

From 16th February 2022

The breeze is bright and playful and, where there is shelter, it is quite warm.. Spring flowers are taking over the grassy banks. Violets, daisies, dandelions and, if you look carefully among the clumps of foliage, the little sapphire speedwells. All these as well as the nmass of gorse and charlock on the cliff edge. The sun breaks through the lumpy clouds and polishes the anxious wave with a brilliant sheen. But there is a coppery mist curtaining the horizon and excited little gusts of wind send up little showers of brown leaves. There is weather on the way. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #springisonitsway #February

From 16th February 2016

Sometimes I can manage to make thin slice of the morning and share it with you. But in the end, the words are just crumbs. This morning the dawn is so big, so perfect, the sky so lucent, the chill so biting, the sea so easy that there is nowhere I can slice into it. Go out and enjoy it for yourself in big, invigorating mouths full. It's free and nobody else wants it.

From 16th February 2011

A wrinkled grey sea shot through with darker and lighter streaks. Broken dark grey banks of cloud over a pale sky. Breeze disturbs the lower branches of the pine. Occasional jackdaw tossed across the view by the wind. Monochrome except for the merest wash of pink on the horizon and the palest of gold above a sullen distant cloud clump.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


17th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


15th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth