12th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

All day the louring, grey sky has been trying to squeeze out a fine drizzle. The wind is keen and passers-by are soon chilled. The sound of Sunday morning is the slap of trainer on asphalt as the runners pound by. The sea is somehow reassuring. The wagtails demonstrate their new party trick of suddenly running fast in a straight line on the grass. They seem to have no legs and are propelled along like slot racing cars. Someone seems to have celebrated an occasion that required a confetti canon. The blue petals line the path.Trees are designed to grow symetrically and a few on the West Cliff manage to achieve that but most are bent on the continual wind from the bay or lose branches during gales so they grow up as distinct individuals. Even the young trees quickly assume this attitude and bend towards the North East.

From 12th February 2022

The wind is winding up for a big blow. The young man hurries through the streetlight, the tails of his long black coat swirl and snake behind him. The sea snaps and spits like six cats tied in a sack. Even on the clifftop tiny flecks of foam mix with the hard drops of rain. The tree tops rattle and roar. "Bloody rain again" says the man with no teeth but I find the yellow and orange lights reassuring and the night is oddly beautiful.#Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #springisonitsway #February

From 12th February 2011

A big sea rolling in direct onto the shore. Huge tumbling white foam and a wind booming around the bay window.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


13th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


11th February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth