11th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

The wind icy and as stiff as a butcher’s broom. The blue sky is smeared with dabs and streaks of white and grey. The sun is strong and is casting long shadows but there is no warmth in it.By mid afternoon the sky has veiled over completely. The wind shakes puzzlement into the tree tops and a cold rain begins to fall. The way through the woods appears strange and somehow alien.

From 11th January 2022

A misty moisty morning. A featureless, flat sky. The sea grumbles on. The grass is wet with large drops of water held in the curves and creases of the leaves. The long foliage on the clifftop has been mown short and imparts a delicious green scent to the walks. A wren sits high up on a branch in a Scots Pine singing its heart out. #bournemouth #westcliff #winter #January

From 11th January 2012

The navy blue night prinked with the fierce jewel light of the stars. The hard polished dish of the moon shining a silver halo on the softly sighing waves. The tiny red and green flickers of the leading lights on the Swash and the very distant warm glow of the Bankes Arms at Studland. And above it all Orion, huge guardian of the frosty January sky.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


12th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


10th January from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth