1st June from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
When I started this record, twelve years ago, one of the tenets I have always stuck to is that it should always be about Now. Today. I didn’t want to write about yesterday. However, after the shocking incident on the beach yesterday I couldn’t help but mention it. Whatever the outcome of the investigation, two young people died and our sympathies are with their families. And our admiration for those who put themselves in the way of danger to help. The weather has been entirely benign this week. Blue skies, a gentle breeze and a sparkling sea. It’s worth remebering that the sea can be cruel however friendly it appears and it’s power is enormous and unforgiving. Today, the beach is back to being filled with families enjoying themselves. Little white sailing boats dot the waters of the bay and, in the distance, gulls swirl and dance.
From 1st June 2022
The raggedy patchwork of blue and white and grey which is the sky reflects off the wrinkled sea in blue and brown and green. The evening sun picks out another patchwork on Ballard Down, shining crisp in greens and pale buffs with the mysterious dark blue of the Purbeck Hills beyond. A boisterous little wind keeps everything fresh. A family football game is in progress with Dad acting as Centre Forward and Referee. As he turns away to slot home a neat goal between the coats the big girl shoves her little brother hard with both hands. He falls heavily to the floor. But the ref does not see as he is busy celebrating his Cup Winner. #Bournemouth #westcliffgreen #June #summer
From 1st June 2021
The sunlight dapples the path with deep camouflage patterns. The sea is the strange silver, green indigo colour that looks so inviting for swimming. Everything has cheered up with a couple of days of sunshine and the birds are back in song again filling the clear air with a multitude of songs. A late spring choir. Although the leaves of the three-sided leeks (our version of wild garlic) have nearly died away, their warm scent still fills the air.